Brrrr! What’s that chill in the air? Is it just the wind? Am I seeing snow? Oh no! Freeze warning?? What should I do?!
Never fear, Camden is here!

Photo Courtesy of Pexels.com, Kristin Vogt
In theory, freezing weather is not something we should have down south, or at least it’s not something we learn to grow accustomed to. Many of us living in the southeast have moved away from colder climates back home to find peace in the warmer sunshine that southern living can offer.
As we’ve seen recently, this is not always the case. Living in cities like Charlotte, Atlanta, and even parts of Florida and Texas won’t exclude us from the elements of winter. I have a motto: Always be prepared for what may come.
Let’s review the best ways to prepare for winter storms and freezing weather!
Photo Courtesy of Camden
Heater Reminders:
• Be sure to turn on your heater once the weather begins to change and let it run for 15 minutes to assess its functioning.
• If this is the first time you have used the heater, there could be a burning smell. The heater is simply shaking off dust from not being used, and this is normal!
• If you will be out of town, set the thermostat to heat to 65 degrees. This will help avoid freezing pipes.
• If you are out of town and would like for your community staff to adjust your heater, click the following link to contact your Camden leasing office. We are always happy and eager to help!
Freeze Preparation:
• Leave your cabinet doors open under your sinks to allow warm air to reach the pipes and avoid freezing.
• Make sure your drains are clear and let faucets drip slowly overnight to keep water moving. This can make all the difference in avoiding any leaks and further damage.
• Be sure to check all of your apartment windows, doors, and outdoor storage areas to ensure they are closed and tightly latched.
Our apartment homes are not the only places we need to remember to keep safe. Let’s discuss some other tips outside of the home to remain protected from the wintery elements.

Photo Courtesy of Pexels.com, Oziel Gómez
Driving Safety Tips:
• Drive slowly and cautiously: When you're on the road experiencing instances of ice and snow, the traction on our tires can reduce greatly. Always be careful to avoid sudden braking or sharp turns, along with taking your time to speed up and slow down gradually!
• Increase your following distance when driving: Remember to extend the space between your vehicle and the one ahead of you to prepare in the event of a sudden stoppage. I was trained up North to keep at least 5-6 seconds between the front of my vehicle and the back of those I'm trailing.
• Keep emergency supplies in your vehicle: It’s always helpful to load up your car with some must-haves to ensure your safety during these colder months. Pack your vehicle with a warm blanket, a trusty flashlight, some water bottles, and your favorite snacks in case you get stuck.
• Always clear any snow and ice from your vehicle before departing. Even down South, I still keep my ice-scraper handy from my days growing up in New York. There is no such thing as being too prepared!
In Charlotte, Camden Ballantyne, Camden Stonecrest, and many of our other communities offer rentable garages or covered parking which can be lifesavers during the winter. If you would ever like to add a reserved garage while living with us, don't hesitate to reach out to your leasing staff!
• Remember to utilize your city's weather stations, news channels, and apps to monitor updates from your local area regarding road conditions and inclement weather. Also, Camden communities are diligent in posting to their MyCamden activity walls with plenty of the information from this blog to keep residents safe and informed.
• If you’re able to, fill your gas tank ahead of time when you begin hearing about stormy weather heading your way.
Public Transit
• Do you live in a city with reliable public transportation? Keep in mind that these options are always viable means of travel during dangerous weather. If you haven't used your local train or bus before, the winter may be the perfect time to give them a try!
Who knows - you might find your favorite new way to get around town!

Photo Courtesy of Pexels.com, Elijah O'Donnell
Plan Ahead
• Allot extra time: It can be wise to leave earlier than usual to account for slower travel on the road and potential delays when commuting. Always remember to put your safety first when it comes to traveling around on snowy days.
• Dress Warm: Dig into your closet to find your warmest layers that may be tucked away, bring some durable gloves when leaving the house, and snag some proper footwear to keep yourself cozy and bundled up!
Always be diligent and cautious when entering and exiting your apartment home and moving through your community on the sidewalks and through parking areas, as there may be ice on the ground. Remember to use the handrails on stairs and avoid icy patches, if possible.
We hope this article has given some helpful insight into keeping safe during these moments of undesirable weather. Check out some other Camden Blog ideas on how to keep busy and have some fun through the winter, along with remaining energy efficient as those temperatures drop!
Photo Courtesy of Camden
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