Summer is most people’s favorite season for many reasons: relaxing by your Camden community pool, ice cream cones, family cookouts, the list goes on. Spending time with your furry friends on the beach or at the park is another fun summer activity many people take advantage of. However, it is important to remember that your furry friends need a little extra attention during the summer.
Beat the Heat
Temperatures are rising and the sun is shining. Summer is here! With the summer season comes some sweltering temperatures. If you are sweating, imagine how your pup feels as they wear a fur coat all year round.
Water, Water, Water
Your dog will need access to plenty of clean and fresh water to avoid dehydration. Investing in a collapsible dog bowl is well worth it; if you will be spending a lot of time outdoors and on hikes.

Ziggy enjoying some shade at Camden San Marcos - photo by Jourdan Shiffer
Take in the Shade
While visiting a dog park, ample shade is important to make sure your dog has the best time and does not get overheated. My pup Ziggy loves the Dog Park at Camden San Marcos, where he gets to play in plenty of shade.
Hot Sidewalks = No Walks
I like to take Ziggy out on walks late at night or early in the morning to ensure he gets his exercise without risking his health. Just because it is only 85 degrees outside does not mean the asphalt is a safe temperature.
On an average day in Arizona, where it is 106 degrees, the pavement can reach 155 degrees while the asphalt can reach 165 degrees. Way too hot for your dog’s poor paws!
Rule of thumb: If the ground is too hot for your bare feet, it is too hot for your pet’s paws.
Car Rides
While you may be tempted to let your pet tag along while you run errands, you must never leave your pet in the car during warm summer weather. Even with the windows cracked, a car can reach fatal temperatures in a matter of minutes. Leaving your pet at home where they are most comfortable is a much better option, even if you may miss them a bit. Just give them a big hug when you get home!
Friendly tip: All year round, be sure to buckle up your pet during car rides. Buckling up your pet can save their life if a car accident were to happen.
Health and Wellness
Don’t Shave That Coat
While you may be tempted to shave your pet’s coat to give them relief from the heat, it is advised that you do the opposite.
Many cat and dog breeds have a double coat which helps regulate their body temperature and protects them from the sun. If this double coat is shaven off, the texture and feel of their fur can change. It is best to leave the coat alone or give it just a light trim.

Paw Spa at Camden La Frontera
Frequent Bathing and Brushing is a Must
Frequent washing and brushing not only practices proper hygiene but can give your pet better air circulation to keep them even cooler!
Not only is it essential to bathe and brush your pet for heat-regulating purposes, but during the summer, the bugs like to come out and play.
Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are some of summer’s most pesky visitors. By checking your dog often, especially when they are itching and giving them frequent baths, you can save your dog, yourself, and the rest of your household from these insects.
If you need a recommendation on a place to wash your pet, some Camden properties offer their residents a dog spa. Everything you need is provided to make sure your furry friend is squeaky clean!
Your pet is an important part of your family and keeping them safe is even more important! Research the signs of heatstroke and call your local veterinarian if you are ever worried about your dog’s health. If you are trying to find a new home for you and your best friend, keep in mind that Camden offers pet-friendly living and amenities, making it easier than ever for pet owners to find their perfect home!
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