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Three Easy Exercises You Can Do At Work
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Guest Blogger
Sunday, Jan. 29, 2017

Many of us spend a majority of our day in the work place and/or sitting as a desk. With time constraints we all encounter, it’s hard to find time for exercise. To help reduce some of the guilt and to keep myself active, I have three office exercises that are easy to do throughout the work day.

Hallway Lunges – These are pretty self-explanatory.  With minimal distance this will step up your leg muscle game. Any time you get up to go the restroom/copy machine/supply closet etc. just throw in a handful of lunges. Put your hands on your hips and maintain good posture to get some nice deep lunges. You’ll get a few funny looks (ok..a lot) but soon you’ll guilt your co-workers into following suit!

Amy doing hallway lunges

Amy doing hallway lunges despite Kailey's ridicule!

File Cabinet Dips – Need some time to think? Get up from your desk and head to the nearest countertop or filing cabinet. Stand with your back to the solid surface and place your hands, palm down, onto the edge of it. Putting your weight on your hands put your feet out as far as you can manage. Lower your body keeping your legs straight (or a 90 degree bend) and feel the burn on your triceps! Note: Please make sure you use a sturdy surface!

Tricep dips!

Tricep dips - phew!

Desk Pushups – You took care of the triceps so why not hit up the biceps. This time face the solid surface (desk/file cabinet/countertop) and place your hands palms down on the edge of the surface. Keeping your legs and body straight, lower and lift yourself off of the surface. You will essentially be doing a pushup without having to get on the floor.

Kailey doing push-ups on the filing cabinet

Desk push-ups! Go Kailey!

In addition to my personal favorites, the Washington Post has a great article with examples and more exercise options. These exercises aren’t limited to the office; you can also do this easily in your Camden apartment or anywhere!

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