So you’ve just settled into your new Camden apartment home, and you’re wondering how to best set it up: why not make it a reflection of yourself? Each personality has its own preferences and pitfalls, so finding the best decorating solutions for that apartment space can be a breeze if you keep both in mind!
Last time we covered those NF Idealists, but perhaps that didn’t quite hit the mark? Be sure to check out your Myers-Briggs Personality Type before you keep reading! You may be a logical NT, spontaneous SP, or structured SJ instead, but I’ve still got you covered with ideas for color schemes, décor, and more!
Think you’re one of those Rationalist NTs? Then prepare to be reasoned into a fresh decorating perspective! Let’s begin.

Camden Centreport
Similar to the INFJ in many ways, the INTJ is both intuitive and introverted and prefers themes. Consistent patterns and colors work wonders for this Rationalist, but there’s a catch. INTJs tend to admire strength in others, so they often seek to include these into their home aesthetic. Powerful, rich colors like burnt orange and mahogany are the best decorating solution for this Rationalist, especially in sophisticated artwork and décor.
On the other hand, the INTJ suffers the same shortcomings of the INFJ as well, so he has to be careful not to have too many bits and bobs lying around. If you simply must have something to play with (Rationalists usually do), try a decorative puzzle box or two. Also, avoid cliché decorations like family portraits and flowers, since these will clash with that INTJ independence.

Camden Victory Park
Known as both a powerhouse and strategist, the ENTJ is as likely to impress as he is to intimidate. Powerful portraits and classy color schemes are the perfect decorating solutions for these Rationalists, who love winning respect and admiration. Try sophisticated furniture and décor in shades of bronze and dark gray, throwing in the occasional splash of red for that extra boost of strength.
Unfortunately, the ENTJ is weak in the same way he is strong: his tendency to intimidate. Since he’s a Rationalist and an extrovert, this can sometimes be a problem since ENTJs can scare people away. Dialing down the class can go a long way in helping those guests feel more comfortable. Broadcast your quirks with a dish of your favorite candies or a random knick-knack. Trust me, it’ll do wonders.

Camden Bay
Like the INFP, this Rationalist has very specific tastes and a tendency to play with concepts and norms. Unlike their NF counterparts, however, the INTP’s preferences come off with a more rebellious, I-don’t-care-what-others-think spirit. Play with the status quo of decorating to really capture that INTP vibe: hang framed diagrams instead of paintings, experiment with furniture of mismatched styles and textures, and get creative with furniture spacing to create your best decorating solutions.
Although that cool INTP intellect can really stand out in the apartment home, be sure to stay flexible enough to accommodate the occasional guest. One of the biggest INTP shortcomings is not considering others’ feelings, so be sure to spruce up the place just a bit! Add a dose of warm color to your furniture with some vibrant, red pillows, or feature a houseplant along the wall or in a corner. These will definitely make the apartment cozier for visitors!

Camden Stonebridge
Though not as emotional as their ENFP cousins, ENTPs share much in common with them. This Rationalist is particular and original and tends to broadcast this in the apartment home. Unexpected color combos and themes will remind any visitors of your creative brilliance. Plus, keep your guests impressed by showing off your skills; display your paintings, instruments, or crafts as apartment décor!
For the ENTP, strengths are often weaknesses as well. Since the ENTP is quick-thinking and flexible, that cool, creative idea of today will be old news before long! Make sure to choose décor that can be switched out every now and then, maybe some reversible paintings or a hanging sandscape. You don’t want to be locked into one theme forever!
Now that you know how to create the space to satisfy your personality’s strengths and weaknesses, you need to find the furniture to make that thought into a reality. CORT furniture rental has you covered, with extensive furnishing options for even that original ENTP! Plus, as a Camden resident, you get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental. Talk about a decorating solution!
Have the furniture but nowhere to put it? We know finding an apartment can be hard, so we have over 55,000 to choose from, with an easy way to find one in your state! When you’ve picked the right one for you, head on over to our Simply Camden blog for all the best tips, tricks, and decorating solutions to make that apartment home your own!
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