With record-high temperatures consistently in the forecast, energy bills can increase. Here are some tips to help your energy bill from spiking and conserve electricity not only during the summer but also throughout the year.
Set thermostats 2-3 degrees higher during daytime hours
Pro Tip: The farther your thermostat is set from the outside temperature, the harder your air conditioner will work. Acclimating to a temperature a few degrees higher helps reduce stress on your AC.

Courtesy of Camden Rainey Street
Use ceiling fans or portable fans to circulate cool air
Pro Tip: Tower fans are easily portable and effective at cooling rooms, especially the rotating kind.
Set thermostats at least 4 degrees higher if you plan to be out of your home for more than 4 hours
Pro Tip: No need to cool a space you won’t be in! However, do not completely turn off your AC if you plan to be out for an extended period of time. This could cause additional stress on your AC once it’s turned back on.
Use blinds, shades, or curtains to block direct sunlight from entering through windows or patio doors
Pro Tip: Point horizontal blinds up to direct hotter air toward the ceiling. Use lightly sheer curtains to let light in while blocking heat from the windows.

Courtesy of Camden Henderson
Set ceiling fans to spin counterclockwise to push cool air down and set a consistent room temperature
Pro Tip: This can be done by flipping the reverse switch on top of your fan if it includes one. Reverse switches are typically on the body of the fan above the blades. Submit a service request if you need help reaching it.

Courtesy of Camden Music Row
Turn off electronics or lights when not in use or while you’re away from your home
Pro Tip: Use natural light from windows when overhead lighting or lamps aren’t necessary. Install smart plugs or lightbulbs to create a schedule or remotely turn off plugs or lights.
Camden has taken proactive steps over time to make apartment community common areas and homes more energy efficient. These projects include:
LED lights in apartment homes, common areas, and community exteriors
ENERGY STAR appliances in apartment homes and common areas
Programmable thermostats in common areas and available in select apartment homes
Regular preventative maintenance of air conditioning equipment
Additional attic insulation
Programmable pool pumps
Multiple LEED-certified communities across the country

Courtesy of Camden Shady Grove
Looking for more energy-saving tips? Check out this blog for ideas to reduce energy use throughout the whole year! For more summer tips, check out our additional blogs on keeping pets safe in the summer and prepping plants for a summer vacation.
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