If you look up the word "care", it is defined as the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something. The Camden Cares project is the embodiment of that very definition. All over the country, Camden Cares teams have helped thousands of individuals by volunteering at organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, American Cancer Society, Toys for Tots, and ASPCA. I have been with Camden for almost eleven years volunteering many times, and I can tell you that this is, by far, one of my favorite things that our company does. Why? Because we do it with the entirety of our hearts and we do it because we do care, purposefully and intently.
This year the Camden Cares Raleigh team volunteered at The Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC. I was unfortunately not personally able to attend this time, so I asked a couple of my peers about their experience. Here is what each had to say:
Kristen Gillis, a Leasing Consultant at Camden Reunion Park: "This was my first Camden Cares. There were so many things I loved about this that I don't know where to begin. I loved that we were putting meals together for families and that the bulk of what is received is fresh produce. We learned that there is such a huge food insecurity in NC and being able to be a part of helping families directly felt amazing. There was such a sense of teamwork that we were like a well-oiled machine. Honestly, I love food, so being able to feed people in need tops my favorite list."
Shaun Lambert, a Community Manager at Camden Lake Pine: "This was a very humbling experience. Knowing that, due to our help we were able to create over a thousand meal portions for local families, is incredible. I will definitely be bringing my family back to donate our time."

Here are some of the most amazing aspects of this organization:
Fresh produce accounted for 37% of the food distributed last year.
They distribute to over 800 agencies that provide food to children, the homeless, and the elderly.
They surpassed their goals last year!
They offer amazing programs, including cooking classes, to teach how to eat more healthy.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered. You are all the reason that 'Camden Cares' collective heart is so big. Lastly, thank you to the Food Bank of NC for supporting these communities. It is nothing short of incredibly inspiring and meaningful. You are all the reason so many go to sleep with full bellies and smiles on their faces. It takes a village and you are such an important part of that village.
"One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others." - Lewis Carroll
Until next time, Camden Cares team!
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