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7 Tips for Becoming a Healthier You
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Guest Blogger
Sunday, May. 8, 2016

Many of us have been here before. You step on the scale, scared to look down and see reality. Numbers don’t lie, and you can’t argue with cold hard facts. You’re upset, angry, embarrassed. You just can’t understand how the pounds added up so quick. Don’t beat yourself up, life happens. We all get off track sometimes, but now is the time to stop regretting the past and look forward to the future. Imagine the next time you step on the scale and see the number you have been dreaming of. Well I’m here to tell you something-YOU can do it!

Believe in yourself!

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It’s about more than just losing weight-it’s about living a healthier lifestyle. It's about becoming a healthier you-physically, mentally, and emotionally. Below are some tips that have helped me along my recent journey of becoming a healthier me.

1. Set Goals- Setting realistic goals was the most important part for me. I had a timeline of when I wanted to lose the weight for my wedding in June. I set realistic goals of weekly weight loss and workouts. Setting challenging goals for yourself is great. Just make sure they are  attainable, otherwise you are setting yourself up for failure. Achieving your goals is such a rewarding feeling and it make you happier inside and out!

2. Motivation- Figure out what  motivates you. Are you doing this for you? Or for someone else? The answer should be for you! You are the only one who can truly motivate change within yourself. Dig deep and ask yourself what can motivate you to achieve your goal. I was highly motivated by looking at pictures of my wedding dress. I was going to fit in that thing and look good doing it! Motivation is different for everyone. There are motivational and funny quotes, books, magazines, and articles to help motivate and push you. Remember to laugh and enjoy this journey once and awhile!

How many of us have used this excuse before?

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3. Diet- The “D” word we all hate. I’ve had many people tell me that losing weight is 70% diet, and 30% exercise. It's difficult to find scientific proof this works, because every body type is different. I would say I have to agree with the idea that it is more important what we put in our bodies than what we burn off in the gym. The biggest misconception is when you’re dieting you're starving yourself. Another one is that healthy food is gross and has no taste. These are not true! Eating healthy can taste great too. There are many healthy recipes on Pinterest, and other websites. There are also clean eating cook books out there to help you learn how to prepare healthier meals. Pre make healthy meals and snacks to take with you to work or school. Snacking was key for me! I would eat healthy snacks throughout the day, and was never really hungry.  I actually felt a lot better eating healthy. I was more alert and refreshed, my stomach wasn’t bloated or upset, and my skin felt softer and smoother! It’s all about moderation and portion control. Your body needs food, protein, even fats, so starving yourself is not the answer to dieting. Also, it will not give you long term results. 

Does it work?

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4. Stay Away from Fad Diets- As tempting as they are, fad diets do not work. There is no substitute for hard work and dedication when it comes to eating right and exercising. I am guilty of trying a lot of them, and they may work at first, but the results do not last. Not only are they all pretty pricy, they aren’t healthy either. However, I do like the AdvoCare line of products. They sell meal replacement shakes, bars, spark energy drinks, and some nutritional pills to offset your diet. These were convenient, easy, and healthy. If you do decide to try one of these diet plans, make sure to do some research before.

5. Cheat Day- Indulging in a cheat day or meal here and there is necessary! You are working hard, eating right, exercising-you deserve to treat yourself! Give yourself a set day so you have something to work towards and get excited for. My favorite cheat day was Sunday, and my meal was pizza! It is all about moderation so don’t go crazy and order the entire dollar menu. Choose your cheat day and cheat meals wisely because they may make you sick. Remember, your body is not used to eating fatty foods. 

Hopefully this isn't your cheat meal choice!

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6. Exercise Plan- Is it safe to say it’s been a while since you hit the gym? Well, don’t let that worry or intimidate you.  It’s just like riding a bike; it will all come back to you. The key is finding the right workout for you. The first two weeks it was rough. Once I got into a routine workout plan I started feeling better, gaining confidence, and seeing results! Cardio is a must, and you should incorporate some free weights, also. Your work out should reflect what parts of your body you are trying to tighten and tone. Exercising is also a great way to relive some stress. It produces endorphins which is a chemical that can trigger a positive feeling in your body. Not to mention how awesome you feel after pushing yourself through a hard workout!

The number one excuse for not working out-“I don’t have time for the gym!” I work a full time job, a part time job, I nanny full time AND I am planning a wedding. But, I have to find time to get some exercise in. It isn’t easy. If you have to wake up 2 hours earlier, go during lunch, or bring clothes to work and go right after work- do it. Whatever your crazy schedule entails, you have to find time to exercise. This is time you are setting aside for yourself. Get your family on board to help out around the house, or pick up the kids from school. Having a support system is a huge help.

7. Technology- There is hundreds of apps out there to help you with weight loss, exercise, and staying healthy. Use the technology era we live in to help you organize and keep track of your lifestyle. Some of the apps I use are:

a.      My Fitness Pal

b.      Shop Well

c.       Fitnet

d.      Nike + Running

e.      Happify

You have to be ready to take the steps necessary to reach your goals of becoming a healthier person. It takes hard work, determination, and a good support system in your life. I am already 18 pounds down, and I still have over a month to go. I am feeling better physically, emotionally, and mentally. Start now and take the first steps of becoming a healthier you!

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