I do not have to tell you what time of year it is. We step outside and we know right away, it is summertime and it is hot hot hot. What better way to relax than by enjoying your beautiful Camden community pool. If you want to maximize on your relaxation and enjoyment, follow these simple tips.
1. Absolutely no glass: Hear me out. I know I sound like a principal. And I know that a cold one is usually a smidge better out of a glass bottle. But here's the thing: one slip, one misstep, one sweaty palm and that glass bottle shatters on the pool deck. Or worse, it shatters in the pool. Glass in a pool drain results in draining the pool and thus closing the pool for at least a week. Don’t take away your and your neighbors summer fun!
Camden Buckhead Sqaure's Community Pool

2. Know where the sun is going: If you’re committing to a full pool day, you need to know where the sun is going to be hitting you. If you’re a pale Irish gal such as myself, you want to know where the protective shade is going to be steady. If you could lay out all day and bronze up like a goddess, you will want to know where the sun will stay throughout the day. There is nothing worse than a sudden shady chill interrupting your wonderful poolside nap.

3. Come Prepared: Coming prepared is twofold, what do you need and what would your mother tell you that you need. You need entertainment! Your book, magazine, pool toys and elaborate swan floats for Instagram purposes - you have to have it! Your mother would tell you that you need sunscreen, water and snacks. It’s all important. Grab a cooler and your beach bag and stock up on all the things you need.

4. Know who you're with: My best friend and I will lay completely still side by side at the pool and talk for an entire day without even realizing. My boyfriend however would completely lose his mind sitting that still for that long. Know who your pool buddy is and be in the mindset to adapt to their needs. If you’re with your lay out buddy, awesome! Be sure you have your sunscreen and some fresh gossip. If you’re with your jumpy friend or kids, be prepared to do a lot of moving, playing, splashing and swimming. If you’re in the right head space, you’re already prepped to have an amazing day.

If you follow these fool-proof steps you will never have a bad day at the pool.
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