I love finding products with multi-uses! Even better when they don't break the bank and I can pick them up at my local supermarket. In an effort to de-clutter and stop wasting products and food I don't use, I am overhauling the ways I clean my apartment! Naturally, I looked to the Simply Camden blog for some tips and tricks :) Here are some surprising ways to clean your apartment using products you already have!

Photo courtesy of Keep your stainless looking shiny and new like the beautiful fixtures at Camden NoMa
Lemons: Once you're done making lemonade, use those tart citrus fruits to do some heavy lifting around the house! One chore I absolutely hate is cleaning the garbage disposal. One thing I like to do to keep it fresh between cleanings is dropping some leftover lemon wedges or lemon peel down the drain every now and then. Lemons are also great for cleaning the microwave! Lemons aren't only great for cleaning your apartment - there are lots of ways to use lemons around the home!
Vinegar: My glassware is notorious for coming out of the dishwasher cloudy. Ever since I learned the hack to wrap them in vinegar-soaked towels, they come out looking shiny and new! Plus, vinegar mixed with it's best friend, baking soda, can really do a lot of damage to grease on pots and pans and in the oven. I could seriously clean my whole apartment with vinegar.
Shaving Cream. Whip out ye olde Barbasol can next time you need to do a bit of polishing! It will gently take away stubborn soap scum on your stainless faucets and bathroom mirrors. It will keep your fixtures looking shiny and like new! Plus, it even works as a carpet cleaner for tough pet and wine stains. Read all the details plus more surprising ways to clean your apartment with shaving cream
Seltzer Water. This is my favorite stain fighter. Period. I use seltzer water/soda water on carpet stains, linen spots, clothing stains, pet stains - you name it! I stopped buying those expensive spot cleaners that promise to make dirt vanish but seem to just leave larger stains. Don't stop at stains, though - seltzer water has a ton of other uses around the home.
Vodka: Yeah, that's right. Take the vodka you've got leftover in the liquor cabinet and use it around the house and in life. My favorite use for it is deodorizing. I like to use it in shoes, in my dog's kennel (when he's not using it of course), in the bathroom - you name it! It eliminates the bacteria that causes odor, leaving everything smelling fresh! The useful hacks for vodka are endless.
Try these simple hacks next time you've got to clean your apartment! Believe me, you won't look back. After using products around the house to do all my cleaning, I save so much cabinet space, my apartment doesn't smell like nasty chemicals and my pocketbook is a little fatter.
Subscribe to the Simply Camden for more apartment life hacks like these! And check out the 12 things you're likely missing when you clean your apartment. Don't let them go too long.
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