1) Accomplish something every day.It can be something like completing a project at work or finally doing all of the laundry in the bin. It doesn't have to be something major, just accomplish something every day.Notice I say, "accomplish" and not "do" something every day. The difference is in the planning. Decide what you need/ want to accomplish, or where you can improve, early that day and write it down. Then later in the day, once you have completed the task(s), go back and cross it off. It is that simple. It doesn't matter what it is but that daily dose of accomplishment is key.
Have Hope.
Have something that you look forward to. Something that is attainable – a larger goal. This is different from the small-scaled task from #1; work towards a promotion at work or save enough money for something that you have wanted for some time.It is not usually something that can be done in one day. The point is to have something that can become a reality. That is where your hope should lie. So no trips to the Moon. No marrying Brad Pitt. Avoid things based purely on luck such as the lottery. Have something that you can work towards over time, little by little...something to hope for.
Love someone.
Many people think they will be happy if someone (usually someone specific) loved them. But in reality, they have it backwards. The real trick is to find someone to love. Find someone that you care about and respect. Keep them in mind as you go about your day.
For some people it is easy; it can be their spouse or children. For others, it can be a best friend, coworker or even a pet. It does not have to be a romantic love at all. But love someone for the joy of it. Don't do it with the goal that they will reciprocate. When you have someone that you can love unconditionally and do not expect anything in return, the joy you get will surprise you.
Now, when I say don't do it expecting something in return, I do not mean allow them to treat you poorly or take you for granted. You should be appreciated. This is not always an easy thing to find. Sometimes you will be under appreciated. It is just a fact of life. However, do not be discouraged by a single moment in time, rather look at the overall picture and how they view you.
Surround yourself with good people.
If you keep negative people in your life or people that consistently make bad choices, they will eventually impact you. You can’t say, "It’s ok that my friends have bad habits because I do not." The negative impact it has on their life will likely infect yours.
If you have people in your life that are always unenthusiastic and always telling you what is wrong in the world, over time it seeps into your subconscious. This is perhaps the hardest rule because you may need to separate yourself from situations or people that have been affecting you or your life for a long time. Now I am not saying you shouldn't ever talk to them again, however, you should strive to maintain positive, supportive people with good intentions in your circle.
Our homes and workplaces often affect these 4 areas in our lives. Life is short; choose a happy one and choose a great place to live and work with Camden!
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